If you are implementing an IT project of any significant size, then
auditing is probably an important requirement of that project. Standard
auditing usually includes tracking:
• insertions of new records,
• deletions of existing records,
• and modifications of fields in existing records.
A typical audit table looks like this:
Audit-Id |
Table |
Row-Id |
Operation |
Occurred-At |
Performed-By |
Field |
Old-Value |
New-Value |
1 |
2 |
2005-09-26 11:06:01.613 |
dbo |
Name |
George |
John |
2 |
14 |
2005-09-26 11:08:02.790 |
dbo |
3 |
13 |
2005-09-26 11:08:12.023 |
dbo |
For the sake of simplicity this example assumes a database in which
all tables have an auto-increment primary key field, which makes
auditing simpler (you can easily modify
the example code below to handle more general cases). The columns of this
audit table are as follows:
1. Audit-Id: the unique key of the audit table.
2. Table: the name of the table in which the audited event
3. Row-Id: the unique key of the row of the table in which the audited
event occurred.
4. Operation: the type of operation (update, insert, delete).
5. Occurred-At: the date/time at which the event occurred
6. Performed-By: the database ID of the user who caused the
7. Field: the name of the specific field in which an update
occurred (for updates only).
8. Old-Value: the value in the field before the update.
9. New-Value: the value in the field after the update.
The table looks simple but producing it isn't. To monitor every table
in a database formerly required that you create a custom trigger for
each table. Because Transact-SQL cannot inspect the metadata associated
with the "inserted" and "deleted" pseudo-tables in a trigger, each
trigger routine had to know the specific structure of its target table
in advance. Thus despite the fact that auditing is a relatively mundane
and repetitive chore, it was impossible to write a single generic
routine that could function as a trigger for every table.
The new CLR integration in SQL Server 2005 changes all that because
it places the full power of the CLR languages at your disposal. Without
the restrictions of Transact-SQL, you can easily write a routine that
can function as a trigger for every table in your database. The only
per-table code you will need is a single declarative statement that
associates your single CLR trigger routine with each table. That's one
line of code per table rather than dozens of lines of custom code to be
maintained with every table change. If you have a substantial project,
that could mean a savings of dozens or perhaps even hundreds of
man-hours per year.
Below is a generic CLR routine that populates an audit table having
the structure shown in
the example above. We will use it to produce an assembly called "AuditCommon".
To produce the assembly:
- use the September "Release Candidate" version of Visual Studio
2005 and SQL Server 2005 that was distributed at the 2005 Microsoft
Professional Developers' Conference (this code was not tested on
previous versions);
- create a new VB / Database / SQL Server project called "AuditCommon"
(this implicitly also creates a solution called "AuditCommon");
- when prompted, associate the project with an empty database on
some available SQL Server 2005 instance;
- add a new "Trigger" item called "AuditCommon.vb";
- copy the following code into the "AuditCommon.vb" module,
completely overwriting the original template code that is automatically supplied in
the file:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Partial Public Class Triggers
' This is the original template for Trigger metadata. Note that it is table-specific (i.e. it suggests
' that the trigger should apply to one table only).
' <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger(Name:="Trigger1", Target:="Table1", Event:="FOR UPDATE")> _
' This is our actual declaration. Note that it does not specify any particular table. We don't know
' if it is Microsoft's intention to allow table-agnostic trigger code, but this works and we hope
' that it keeps working.
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger(Name:="AuditCommon", Event:="FOR UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE")> _
Public Shared Sub AuditCommon()
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Enter Trigger")
#End If
' Grab the already-open Connection to use as an argument
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Open Connection")
#End If
Dim Context As SqlTriggerContext = SqlContext.TriggerContext()
Dim Connection As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
' Load the "inserted" table
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Load INSERTED")
#End If
Dim TableLoader As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from inserted", Connection)
Dim InsertedTable As New Data.DataTable
' Load the "deleted" table
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Load DELETED")
#End If
TableLoader.SelectCommand.CommandText = "select * from deleted"
Dim DeletedTable As New Data.DataTable
' Prepare the "audit" table for insertion
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Load AUDIT schema for insertion")
#End If
Dim AuditAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from audit where 1 = 0", Connection)
Dim AuditTable As New Data.DataTable
AuditAdapter.FillSchema(AuditTable, SchemaType.Source)
Dim AuditCommandBuilder As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(AuditAdapter)
' Create DataRow objects corresponding to the trigger table rows.
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Create internal representations of trigger table rows")
#End If
Dim TableName As String = ""
Dim InsertedRow As Data.DataRow = Nothing
If InsertedTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
InsertedRow = InsertedTable.Rows(0)
TableName = DeriveTableNameFromKeyFieldName(InsertedTable.Columns(0).ColumnName)
End If
Dim DeletedRow As Data.DataRow = Nothing
If DeletedTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
DeletedRow = DeletedTable.Rows(0)
TableName = DeriveTableNameFromKeyFieldName(DeletedTable.Columns(0).ColumnName)
End If
' get the current database user
Dim CurrentUserCmd As New SqlCommand("select current_user", Connection)
Dim CurrentUser As String = CurrentUserCmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()
' Perform different audits based on the type of action.
Select Case Context.TriggerAction
Case TriggerAction.Update
' Ensure that both INSERTED and DELETED are populated. If not, this is not a valid update.
If InsertedRow IsNot Nothing And DeletedRow IsNot Nothing Then
' Walk through all the columns of the table.
For Each Column As Data.DataColumn In InsertedTable.Columns
' ALTERNATIVE CODE to compare values and record only if they are different:
' If Not DeletedRow.Item(Column.Ordinal).Equals(InsertedRow.Item(Column.Ordinal)) Then
' This code records any attempt to update, whether the new value is different or not.
If Context.IsUpdatedColumn(Column.Ordinal) Then
' DEBUG output indicating field change
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Create UPDATE Audit: Column Name = " & Column.ColumnName & _
", Old Value = '" & DeletedRow.Item(Column.Ordinal).ToString & "'" & _
", New Value = '" & InsertedRow.Item(Column.Ordinal).ToString & "'")
#End If
' Create audit record indicating field change
Dim AuditRow As Data.DataRow
AuditRow = AuditTable.NewRow()
With AuditRow
' populate fields common to all audit records
Dim RowId As Int64 = CType(InsertedRow.Item(0), Int64)
' use "Inserted.TableName" when Microsoft fixes the CLR to supply it
WriteCommonAuditData(AuditRow, TableName, RowId, CurrentUser, "UPDATE")
' write update-specific fields
.Item("FieldName") = Column.ColumnName
.Item("OldValue") = DeletedRow.Item(Column.Ordinal).ToString
.Item("NewValue") = InsertedRow.Item(Column.Ordinal).ToString
End With
' insert the new row into the audit table
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(AuditRow, 0)
End If
End If
Case TriggerAction.Insert
' If the INSERTED row is not populated, then this is not a valid insertion.
If InsertedRow IsNot Nothing Then
' DEBUG output indicating row insertion
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Create INSERT Audit: Row = '" & InsertedRow.Item(0).ToString & "'")
#End If
' Create audit record indicating field change
Dim AuditRow As Data.DataRow
AuditRow = AuditTable.NewRow()
' populate fields common to all audit records
Dim RowId As Int64 = CType(InsertedRow.Item(0), Int64)
' use "Inserted.TableName" when Microsoft fixes the CLR to supply it
WriteCommonAuditData(AuditRow, TableName, RowId, CurrentUser, "INSERT")
' insert the new row into the audit table
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(AuditRow, 0)
End If
Case TriggerAction.Delete
' If the DELETED row is not populated, then this is not a valid deletion.
If DeletedRow IsNot Nothing Then
' DEBUG output indicating row insertion
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Create DELETE Audit: Row = '" & DeletedRow.Item(0).ToString & "'")
#End If
' Create audit record indicating field change
Dim AuditRow As Data.DataRow
AuditRow = AuditTable.NewRow()
' populate fields common to all audit records
Dim RowId As Int64 = CType(DeletedRow.Item(0), Int64)
' use "Inserted.TableName" when Microsoft fixes the CLR to supply it
WriteCommonAuditData(AuditRow, TableName, RowId, CurrentUser, "DELETE")
' insert the new row into the audit table
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(AuditRow, 0)
End If
End Select
' update the audit table
' finish
#If DEBUG Then
EmitDebugMessage("Exit Trigger")
#End If
Catch e As Exception
' Put exception handling code here if you want to connect this to your
' database-based error logging system. Without this Try/Catch block,
' any error in the trigger routine will stop the event that fired the trigger.
' This is early-stage development and we're not expecting any exceptions,
' so for the moment we just need to know about them if they occur.
End Try
End Sub
' Write data into the fields of an Audit table row that is common to all
' types of audit activities.
Private Shared Sub WriteCommonAuditData(ByVal AuditRow As DataRow, ByVal TableName As String, ByVal RowId As Int64, ByVal CurrentUser As String, ByVal Operation As String)
With AuditRow
' write common audit fields
.Item("TableName") = TableName
.Item("RowId") = RowId
.Item("OccurredAt") = Now()
.Item("PerformedBy") = CurrentUser
.Item("Operation") = Operation
End With
End Sub
' SQL CLR does not deliver the proper table name from either InsertedTable.TableName
' or DeletedTable.TableName, so we must use a substitute based on our key naming
' convention. We assume that in each table, the KeyFieldName = TableName + "Id".
' Remove this routine and its uses as soon as we can get the table name from the CLR.
Private Shared Function DeriveTableNameFromKeyFieldName(ByVal KeyFieldName As String) As String
Return Left(KeyFieldName, Len(KeyFieldName) - 2).ToUpper() ' assumes KeyName = TableName & "Id"
End Function
' Emit debug messages. This function gives us the option to turn off debugging
' messages by changing one value (here).
#If DEBUG Then
Private Shared Sub EmitDebugMessage(ByVal Message As String)
End Sub
#End If
End Class
Compile the above routine into an assembly. Now start up the SQL
2005 Management Studio and create a query window connected to your test
database,. Begin by enabling CLR using the following Transact-SQL
-- Configure the server for CLR operation.
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1
For testing purposes, produce and populate a sample "ADDRESS" table
to operate upon:
-- Create a test table.
if object_id('ADDRESS','U') is not null drop table ADDRESS
create table ADDRESS (
AddressId bigint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
AddressLine varchar(50) NULL,
City varchar(50) NULL,
StateProvince varchar(50) NULL,
PostalCode varchar(10) NULL,
CountryCode varchar(10) NULL,
constraint ADDRESS_PK primary key clustered
( AddressId asc ) with (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = off) on [PRIMARY]
-- Populate the test table.
declare @Counter int
set @Counter = 0
declare @CounterString varchar(10)
while @Counter < 10
set @Counter = @Counter + 1
set @CounterString = cast(@Counter as varchar(10))
declare @AddressLine varchar(50)
set @AddressLine = 'Address Line ' + @CounterString
declare @City varchar(50)
set @City = 'City ' + @CounterString
declare @StateProvince varchar(50)
set @StateProvince = 'State/Province ' + @CounterString
declare @PostalCode varchar(10)
set @PostalCode = @CounterString
declare @CountryCode varchar(10)
set @CountryCode = 'C' + @CounterString
insert into ADDRESS
Now create the audit table that the trigger routine will populate:
-- Create the audit table.
if object_id('AUDIT','U') is not null drop table AUDIT
create table AUDIT (
-- audit key
AuditId bigint identity(1,1) not null,
-- required info for all auditing operations
TableName varchar(50) not null,
RowId bigint not null,
Operation varchar(10) not null,
OccurredAt datetime not null,
PerformedBy varchar(50) not null,
-- the following fields are used only when Operation = 'UPDATE'
FieldName varchar(50) null,
OldValue varchar(1000) null,
NewValue varchar(1000) null,
constraint AUDIT_PK primary key clustered
( AuditId asc ) with (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = off) on [PRIMARY]
) on [PRIMARY]
From this point on we are listing
operations that you will need to redo every time you recompile the
trigger. Use this code to load the server with the "AuditCommon" assembly containing the
generic trigger routine (you must substitute your own
project path here):
-- Create the assembly. When dropping the old one we must drop any
-- triggers created from it first.
declare @ProjectPath varchar(1000)
declare @SolutionFolder varchar (100)
set @SolutionFolder = 'AuditCommon'
declare @ProjectFolder varchar (100)
set @ProjectFolder = 'AuditCommon'
declare @AssemblyPath varchar(1000)
set @AssemblyPath = @ProjectPath + '\' + @SolutionFolder + '\' + @ProjectFolder + '\bin'
declare @AssemblyName varchar(100)
set @AssemblyName = 'AuditCommon'
declare @AssemblyObject varchar(1000)
set @AssemblyObject = @AssemblyPath + '\' + @AssemblyName + '.dll'
declare @AssemblyDebug varchar(1000)
set @AssemblyDebug = @AssemblyPath + '\' + @AssemblyName + '.pdb'
if object_id('Audit_Address','TA') is not null drop trigger Audit_ADDRESS
if exists(select name from sys.assemblies where name = @AssemblyName)
drop assembly [AuditCommon]
create assembly [AuditCommon] from @AssemblyObject with permission_set = safe
begin try
-- This adds debugging info; the file will not be present in your "release" version
-- (as opposed to your "debug" version), so we don't want to fail if it's not there.
alter assembly [AuditCommon] add file from @AssemblyDebug
end try
begin catch
end catch
Now associate the CLR trigger routine with the "ADDRESS" table.
With the generic trigger, this is all the code you'll need to audit a table (you can stick
this into your standard template for table creation):
-- Associate the generic CLR trigger with the ADDRESS table.
create trigger Audit_ADDRESS
on ADDRESS for insert, update, delete
as external name [AuditCommon].[AuditCommon.Triggers].AuditCommon
Now you are ready to test. Perform updates, insertions, and deletions
and watch the AUDIT table fill up! Here are some sample tests:
-- Test "update"
update ADDRESS set City = 'New City 4' where AddressID = 4
-- Test "insert"
insert into ADDRESS
'Inserted Address 1',
'Inserted City 1',
'Inserted StateProvince 1',
-- Test "delete"
delete from address where AddressID = 8
NOTE 1: In this example we use the SQL Management Studio to deploy
the assembly, the trigger, and the test code. The built-in Visual Studio
deployment and testing mechanism will NOT work with the generic trigger because
that mechanism
requires that you specify a particular table in the metadata of your
trigger routine, and of course our purpose here is to avoid supplying
such data.
NOTE 2: The CLR trigger routine relies on a field naming convention
to extract the target table name because the "TableName" fields
(i.e. DataTable.TableName in the code) of the "inserted" and "deleted"
trigger tables are not being properly populated by SQL Server with the
name of the target table (ironically these pseudo-tables contain
essentially all the information you could want to know about the target
table except its name). The convention involves using the table
name as part of the name of the first (key) field. Obviously if your
database does not employ such a convention, this trigger routine will be
unable to provide the table name in your audit table. We have been
informed by Microsoft that in a future release, the table name may be
provided somewhere within the trigger context, but this capability will
not be present in the initial release of SQL Server 2005. |
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