Monday, 21 April 2014

CRM 2011 IFD Multi-Tenency Migration Tips

Following on from that we tested the migration from CRM 4.0 hosted CRM instillations to the newly configured test environment for CRM 2011.
We ran into a few problems (and a few things we did not know) and thought others may benefit from this.

CRM Migration

The process was reasonably simple for us and for that reason we will just list the steps.
  1. Backup the CRM 4.0 database to file.
  2. On the new CRM 2011 SQL server, perform a normal SQL database restore from the backup file.
  3. Use the CRM 2011 deployment tool to “Import and Organisation”. Specifying the obvious settings for the database selection and user mapping. (In our case, we were on the same domain, so user mapping was easy).
All this worked well, but there were a few problems when we went to browse the new Org from outside the server. In other words, using the IFD to access the org.
Internally the org was accessible with  but external access:  failed.

The Problems

First one
Was simple but only because we have seen it before. Originally we had accessed the org from our IE 9 browser with and accessed the CRM 4.0 IFD. Actually we used it for over a year.
Now we wanted to use the new IFD on CRM 2011, but on the same browser. We found when going to: that the browser was not even rendering the request for user name and pass that we expected:

The IE failure gave no message or indication of why. Basically a 404 failure to hit anything useful.
Yet in another “real browser” (not IE) we could at least get prompted for user and pass info.
The Cause
IE really sucks with clearing old data. The delete all / clear cache / remove cookies appears on the outset to dump everything, but it does not. In our case, it cached something from the previous connection to CRM 4.0 that was killing our access. We then also deleted data in “C:\Windows\Temp”  Can’t explain what the cause is… I would just rather put it down to the fact that IE 9 “blow chunks” (big ones).
The solution is to manually navigate to the Temporary Internet Files directory under Windows, and manually delete everything you find in there. That fixes the page rendering issue.
More information here:
The Second One
Second, we entered a user name and pass, and received a message:
There was a problem accessing the site. Try to browse to the site again. If the problem persists, contact the administrator of this site and provide the reference number to identify the problem. Reference number: numbers
There was a matching set of AD FS 2.0 Event Logs that looked like this:
A token request was received for a relying party identified by the key ‘’, but the request could not be fulfilled because the key does not identify any known relying party trust.
This request failed.
User Action
If this key represents a URI for which a token should be issued, verify that its prefix matches the relying party trust that is configured in the AD FS configuration database.
Encountered error during federation passive request.
Additional Data
Exception details:
Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.InvalidScopeException: MSIS7007: The requested relying party trust ‘’ is unspecified or unsupported. If a relying party trust was specified, it is possible that you do not have permission to access the trust relying party. Contact your administrator for details.
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.SubmitRequest(MSISRequestSecurityToken request)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.RequestBearerToken(MSISSignInRequestMessage signInRequest, SecurityTokenElement onBehalfOf, SecurityToken primaryAuthToken, String desiredTokenType, Uri& replyTo)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.RequestBearerToken(MSISSignInRequestMessage signInRequest, SecurityTokenElement onBehalfOf, SecurityToken primaryAuthToken, String desiredTokenType, MSISSession& session)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.BuildSignInResponseCoreWithSerializedToken(String signOnToken, WSFederationMessage incomingMessage)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.BuildSignInResponseCoreWithSecurityToken(SecurityToken securityToken, WSFederationMessage incomingMessage)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.BuildSignInResponseForProtocolRequest(FederationPassiveContext federationPassiveContext, SecurityToken securityToken)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.BuildSignInResponse(SecurityToken securityToken)

The solution

An easy one, but something we did not know. With CRM 2011 in IFD. Each time you add an org, you need to update your Relying Party Trusts from Federation Metadata. Big words that mean…
  1. Open AD FS Management Tool
  2. Expand Trust Relationships
  3. Click on Relying Party Trusts
  4. Click on you IFD Trust, Right Click and Select Update From Federation Metadata
I have no idea why this is not automatically updated every time the service starts, or even every time the service is called upon….


CRM 2011 Email Router Setup and Settings

Often with the setup of CRM 2011. Users experience messages about Pending e-mail warning and sometimes email messages are not sending.
This can be especially frustrating as both the CRM email queuing and tracking system and the Email router application are terrible to help you understand exactly what is going on with your CRM e-mail.
We mentioned some of the issues we have experience here:

Here are some basic setup tips for email in Microsoft CRM 2011

1. Out of the box, CRM does not send email messages. You need to configure an application known as CRM 2011 Email Router to have email messages send.
2. You also need a working SMTP (email server) that is configured to allow the relay of email messages from email accounts at your domain name. This can be achieved with Amazon SES message service or your own servers. We can assist you setup Amazon SES if you need assistance with this.
3. You should install and configure your Email Router. Some notes to help you may include these:

Recommended email settings in CRM 2011

1. Out of the box. CRM will only be able to send email messages to leads, contacts, and accounts. Until you change this setting found in the Admin / System Settings in CRM.
2. Avoid delayed email messages in CRM by Approve Email Address. In the Administration / Users. Go into each user and approve the configured email address.
There is a view of users who are Pending Email address approval to help identify who is needing approval.
Also uncheck the option for Process emails only for approved users and process email only for approved queues. Administration / System Settings.

3. Configure users email settings to use the email router for outbound email messages. (optionally inbound configuration too).
Our recommendation is to set the outbound processing for the email router. This will allow emails generated by the crm system to be delivered right away via the email router. This also means that you do need to install and configure the email router.
The above settings can be set automatically for all users by the use of a simpler out of the box workflow that runs on create of new users.
4. The next setting is recommended. Knowing that email can be tracked in CRM with the outlook client:
Email messages can automatically be tracked too.
5. The all powerful features of creating contacts in CRM when and email address is not known.
This is a great way to automatically get more leads or contacts (depending on your business) in crm. And depending on your business can also be a great way to pollute your crm full of contacts or leads that you don’t want.

Troubleshooting Tips

To troubleshoot an E-mail Router outgoing profile configuration, follow these steps:
  1. Make sure that you follow the incoming profile configuration procedures in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager Help.
  2. For more information about how to configure an incoming profile, see the E-mail Router configuration information in the latest version of the Installing Guide that is included in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Implementation Guide.
  3. Refer to the following sections for information about how to resolve commonly encountered outgoing profile issues.
Test Access error
If there is a problem with your outgoing e-mail configuration, you may receive the following error message when you click Test Access on the E-mail Router Configuration Manager:
“Outgoing status: Failure – An error occurred while checking the connection to e-mail server EXSERVERNAME. The requested address is not valid in its context”
If you receive this message, follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem:
  1. Run a telnet command to verify that connectivity is functioning between the computer that is running CRM Router and the Exchange Server. For example, start the TELNET utility and enter the following command:TELNET EXSERVERNAME PORT
  2. Make sure that you have no antivirus services running on the Exchange Server computer that prevent connection by using port 25.
  3. For information about how to configure the SMTP server to allow relay messages from Microsoft Dynamics CRM, see KB article 915827.
E-mail error when message sent from the Web application
Symptom: When a user sends an e-mail message by using the Web application, the user might receive one of the following messages:
This message has not yet been submitted for delivery. 1 attempts have been made so far.
The message delivery failed. It must be resubmitted for any further processing.
Resolution: For information about how to resolve this issue, see KB article 915827.
Load Data error
When you click Load Data in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager, you receive the following error:
The E-mail Router Configuration Manager was unable to retrieve user and queue information from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. This may indicate that the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is busy. Verify that URL ‘http://OrganizationName‘ is correct. Additionally, this problem can occur if the specified access credentials are insufficient. To try again, click Load Data. (The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.)
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
  1. Make sure that the user account that is running the E-mail Router Configuration Manager service is a member of the Active Directory PrivUserGroup security group.
  2. The account that is specified in the Access Credentials field on the General tab of the E-mail Router Configuration Manager must be a Microsoft Dynamics CRM administrative user. If the access credentials are set to Local System Account, the computer account must be a member of the Active Directory PrivUserGroup security group.
  3. Make sure that the URL is spelled correctly. The organization name in the URL field is case-sensitive and must be spelled exactly as it appears in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. To view the organization name as it appears in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server, start the Web application. The organization name appears in the upper-right corner of the application window.
  4. The DeploymentProperties table may have incorrect values if you have modified the port or hostheaders on your Web site. To update the DeploymentProperties table see, KB article 950248.

Pending Email warning

On the Email Router, configure:
1. Check event view for Email Router related errros
2. Change the send email
3. Restart CRM email Router service
4. Reduce the pooling time and conneciton timeout

Automatically Resending Failed Email Messages

The Advanced find can be used to find email messages that have not sent. A workflow can also be created to resend messages automatically. However constant failures is going to indicate a problem some other place. So the use of this automatic workflow should not be introduced in place of fixing your sending issues.
Steps to create the workflow to re-send failed e-mails:
1. Create a new Workflow in CRM | Processes on the E-mail entity
2. Set the workflow to be Available to Run “As an on-demand process”, Change the scope to Organization and uncheck “Record is created”.  This will make the workflow available to run On-Demand, function for all e-mails in the organization and also not run when every time a new e-mail is created as we just want to use this when needed on specific e-mails.
3. Click “Add Step” and choose “Change Status”
4. Set the E-mail to a status of “Pending Send”
5. Click Save and then Activate in the toolbar.  Click ”OK” to the message to confirm you want to Activate the workflow and then click “Close” on the workflow.
Advanced Find to see how many e-mails are in a failed status:
1. Open Advanced Find by clicking the “Advanced Find” button in the CRM ribbon
2. Select “E-mail Messages” in the Look For option set and then select “Status Reason” and set it equal to “Failed”. Then click the Results button in the Advanced Find ribbon.
3. You can refine the results using the filter criteria from here as well in case you do not want to re-send all of the e-mails. Once you are done, multi-select the e-mails you want to re-send and then click the “Run Workflow” button in the CRM ribbon.
4. Select the e-mail workflow that you created using the steps above and click OK.
The workflow will then run and change the status of all the e-mails you had selected back to “Pending Send”.  This is an asynchronous process, so it may take a few minutes depending on your current asynchronous workload in CRM.  Then the CRM e-mail router will process them again and send them out through SMTP as expected.


Microsoft CRM IFD SSL Certificate Renewal

The time will come around where you need to renew the SSL certificate for your CRM IFD configuration.
This will include the renewal of the SSL certificate as used by IIS and and ADFS. Couple of steps we followed based exactly on the configuration outlined in our above linked blog post.

Generate a new SSL Request.

1. Open IIS Manager and click on server certificates.
2. Create certificate request
3. Fill in the data:
image Next
4. Change to 2048 Bit
5. Give it a name:
Finish and you are done.
Now Open the certificate text file and copy the text to your clip board, or use this with your certificate authority to issue you a new Wild Card Certificate. * is what we use.
To get the certificate we use a service called “” who allow you to issue certificates like this for 2 years for free once you are validated as a user.

Complete the Certificate Request

Once the new certificate has been issued to you you need to complete the request on IIS.
1. In IIS Manager click on Complete Certificate Request
2. Browse to the certificate from your issuer provider and give it a friendly name. We like to use a year in the name to help distinguish from the old one.
Finish the import.

Change the certificate used by IIS

1. Expand the two sites on the CRM server and click on Default Website first then Bindings / https
2. Select the new certificate that you just imported and click on OK
3. Repeat this process fro the Microsoft Dynamics CRM website
selecting the new certificate here and OK.
4. Restart IIS

Set Permissions on SSL Certificate

1.  Click Start, and then click Run.
2.  Type MMC.
3.  On the File menu, click  Add/Remove Snap-in.
4.  In the Available snap-ins list, select Certificates, and then click Add. The Certificates Snap-in Wizard starts.
5.  Select Computer account, and then click Next.
6.  Select Local computer: (the computer this console is running on), and then click Finish.
7.  Click OK.
8.  Expand Console Root\Certificates (Local Computer)\Personal\Certificates.
9.  Right-click Certificates, click All Tasks, and then click Import.
Step 2: Add to the ADFS service account the permissions to access the private key of the new certificate. To do this, follow these steps:
1.  With the local computer certificate store still open, select the certificate that was just imported.
2.  Right-click the certificate, click All Tasks, and then  click Manage Private Keys.
3.  Add the account that is running the ADFS Service, and then give the account at least read permissions. (for us this is the Network Service)

Run the Deployment Manager with new Certificate

1. Run the CRM deployment manager:
2. Run the Configure Claims-based Authentication
Select the default settings.
Which should be the default from your IFD setup
But when you get to the Certificate, you need to select the new certificate.
Which should be visible from the list after importing it in the steps above.
3. Run the Configure Internet Facing Deployment action and just step though it with the default settings.
4. Restart the AD FS 2.0 Windows Service
Configure AD

Set the Service Communication Certificate

1. Start AD FS 2.0 Management
2. Expand certificates and select Set Service Communications Certificate
3. Select the new certificate that will be listed here.
Update Relying Party Trusts
1. From the AD FS 2.0 Management, Select your replying party trusts and update from the federation metadata one by one.
Update both listed. They will likely have a red cross before you do this.
Restart Services
Restart AD FS Service:
and restart IIS the usual way.
And you should be done. Login to your CRM IFD again and enjoy.

Microsoft CRM 2011 How to Configure IFD Hosted Setup

Single Server
On an existing domain
Running true IFD ready for customer access.
The last point it telling, as all the Microsoft examples give a self generated SSL cert, that really is an example of a DEV environment only. We want to test the “real deal”, and don’t mind spending a few $ on a real Certificate to see this in a true working environment.

The Existing Setup

Because this is a test environment, we are running the server on a Hyper V server. A single VM machine, that is running a fully patched version of:
  • Windows 2008 R2 SP1 64 Bit
  • SQL 2008 R2 64 Bit
  • Microsoft CRM 2011 64 Bit
Interesting enough, something that always takes me 15 min, it ensuring I download the correct version of the ISO files from MSDN. I get it that I am somewhat lame, but if you get a wrong version you can waste a load of time and energy later.
With a list looking like this it can be painful. Anyway, these are the files we used for install:
For those who care, the VM was set to run with 6000 MB ram, and fold out to use more.
When we setup CRM, we selected the option to NOT use the default website, but configure a new one with the default settings of port 5555. This is necessary as you will see later.

Backup First

In all things Microsoft world, it is vital what you establish a working point to avoid unnecessarily installing things all over again. To get things working we have started fresh over 4 times.
Hyper V is great for this, as we just stopped the server, and made a copy of the VHD file. Then when it is time to start all over, it is just a matter of restoring from copy/backup.

Test First

Test that your CRM setup is working. Go to the local computer name (ours is VSERVER08) on the correct port: http://vserver08:5555
We called our Deployment of CRM – “CRM2011″ So the URL redirects to: http://vserver08:5555/CRM2011/main.aspx
and after being prompted for login, we are in and testing.

Apply a Wildcard SSL Certificate

In CRM, the accessing of deployments is handled by the sub domains. So if we call a deployment “business1″ we will access that as:
For testing, we purchased a standard Wildcard SSL certificate that applied that to the IIS7 server.
We will let you work out that bundle of joy, but a few tips.
1. Godaddy was about as cheap as you find on the net.
2. Setup involves creating a certificate request from within IIS, then pasting that text into the online providers order system. They then generate the certificates that you then import back into IIS and the server.
Application for a certificate
Here, I will be a wildcard certificate, for example, describes how to create a certificate:
1) Open IIS Manager
2) Click the server name in the main screen double click Server Certificates
3) In the right panel, click Create Certificate Request…
4) fill in the following diagram each column, click Next
5) Cryptographic Service Provider Properties page to keep the default, click Next.
6) In the File Name page, enter C: \ req.txt , and then click Finish.
7) Run cmd , run
certreq-submit -attrib “CertificateTemplate: WebServer” C: \ req.txt
8) Select the CA , click OK.
9) the certificate is stored as C: \ Wildcard.cer . ( 7-9 can also be in the CA to complete)
10) back to the IIS Manager, click No. 3)  Step graph Complete Certificate Request …
11) Select the C: \ Wildcard.cer , Friendly name named *. , of course, you can take a different name.
12) Click OK.
13) so that we completed the wildcard certificate request.

Additional SSL Certificate Imports

1) RUN MMC at the start / search
2) Select File / Add Remove Snapin – Select Certificates – ADD
Computer Account
image NEXT / Finish
3) Expand the first two folders, and Right Click on the Certificates Folder and select: All Tasks /  Import.
4) Browse to your wildcard SSL certificate file, and import that into the Personal and Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

Ensure that you

Binding site for the default SSL certificate

1) Open IIS Manager.
2) In the Connections panel, expand Sites , click Default Web Site.
3) In the Actions pane, click Bindings.
4) In the Site Bindings dialog box, click Add.
5) Type select HTTPS.
6) SSL Certificate , select the certificate you just created *. , and then click OK.
image Ours is
7) Click Close.
8) Repeat for the Personal certificate folder.

For the CRM 2011 binding site SSL certificate

1) Open IIS Manager.
2) In the Connections panel, expand Sites , click CRM Web Site.
3) In the Actions pane, click Bindings.
4) In the Site Bindings dialog box, click Add.
5) Type select HTTPS.
6) SSL Certificate , select the certificate you just created *. .
7) Port to select a different 443 (e.g. 444 ) and port number, and then click OK
8) Click Close.

DNS configuration

For MS CRM 2011 configuration Claims-based authentication, you need the DNS to add some records to make CRM 2011 for each breakpoint can be resolved correctly.
There are two ways you can achieve the desired result. But first lets understand the desired result.
  1. We make the assumption that your server is running at least one static IP address.
  2. Because this is Internet Facing, that IP needs to be accessible to the world.
  3. That same IP can be used for access to your server both internally on the matching we are playing with, and externally form anyone on the net.
Lets Get Basic
Start a Command Prompt, and work out what your IP address of the server is.
Type IPCONFIG – Enter
Under the name: IPv4 Address is a number that looks like:
That is Your IP Address of the Server.

The DNS Goal

Make sure that when you PING that it points to that IP address. Both for the world and for you when you do that on your server.
(xxx is the sub domain that we are about to configure.)
To configure CRM, we need some sub domains to point to the server IP.
  4. Your ORG name. (Where ORG is the CRM deployment name of your organization or organizations), e.g.
We have two setup here: CRM and CRM2011. So we need to configure and

Hosting Your Own DNS

If you host your own Domain Name Server (DNS) and you host the domain name that you are using to setup IFD. Then configuring an A record for the above mentioned sub domains is easy.
START > Administrative Tools > DNS
Find your Domain Name
Right Click and select NEW HOST A
Add an A record that points to your servers IP address.
Repeat this process for all of the above mentioned sub domains. auth, sts1, dev, and your own organization names.

Test DNS

You must be able to ping all of those names and get the correct server IP address. Both from computers on the internet, and from the server.
Note: If you have added the DNS records, but still encounter name resolution problems, you can try running on the client ipconfig / flushdns to clean up the cache. You can also click the DNS server root and click CLEAR CACHE so that the server is responding with the latest updates.
Note: Don’t bother proceeding past this step if you cannot ping your sub domains internally and externally correctly.

Firewall configuration

You need to set the firewall to allow the CRM 2011 and the AD FS 2.0 port used by the incoming data stream. HTTPS (SSL) is the default port 443.
For Initial setup testing etc. We recommend just turning the thing off. Better start from a place where it does not muck you around, then turn it all back on after you are successful.

Configuration Claim-based authentication -internal access

Configure the internal access Claim-based authentication requires the following steps:
  • Install and configure AD FS 2.0 .
  • Set Claims-based authentication configuration CRM 2011 server.
  • Set the Claims-based authentication configuration AD FS 2.0 server.
  • Test claims-based authentication within the access.

Install and configure AD FS 2.0

CRM 2011 with a variety of STS provider ( STS Provider ) together. This article uses Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0 to provide a security token service (security token service ).
Note: AD FS 2.0 will be installed to the default site, so install AD FS 2.0 , you must have CRM 2011 installation in the new site. (Remember we said that earlier)
IIS Looks like this if it is correctly installed: image
If you only see the default website with CRM installed in that. Start AGAIN!

Download the AD FS 2.0

From the following link to download the AD FS 2.0
Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 RTW( ).

Install AD FS 2.0

In the installation wizard, select the federation server role installed, for more information refer to
Install the AD FS 2.0 Software( ).

Configure AD FS 2.0

1 in the AD FS 2.0 server, click Start , then click AD FS 2.0 Management .
2 In the AD FS 2.0 Management page , click AD FS 2.0 Federation Server Configuration Wizard .
3 In the Welcome page , select Create a new Federation Service , and then click Next.
4 In the Select Deployment Type page , select Stand-alone Federation Server , and then click Next.
5 Choose your SSL certificate (the choice of a certificate created *. ) ,add a Federation Service name ( for example ,, and then click Next.
Note: Only you as the AD FS 2.0 sites when using the wildcard certificate, only need to add the Federation Service name.
6 Summary page, click Next.
7 Click Close to close the AD FS 2.0 Configuration Wizard.
Note: If you have not added ( ) to add DNS records, then do it now.

Verify the AD FS 2.0 is working

Follow the steps below to verify that the AD FS 2.0 is working :
1 Open Internet Explorer.
2 Enter the federation metadata of the URL , for example:
3. to ensure that no certificate associated with the warning appears.

Claims-based authentication configuration CRM 2011server

After you install and configure the AD FS 2.0 , we need to configure the Claims-based authentication before setting CRM 2011 binding types ( Binding type ) and the root domain (root Domains) .
According to the following steps to set up CRM 2011 bound for the HTTPS and configure the root domain address :
1 Open the CRM Deployment Manager.
2 In the Actions pane , click Properties .
3 Click the Web Address page .
4 In the Binding Type , select HTTPS .
5. Ensure that the network address for the binding CRM 2011 site SSL certificate and SSL ports. Because you configured for internal access to Claims-based authentication, so the address of the host for the root domain name. Port number must IIS in CRM 2011 is set in the port the same site.
6 For example, *. wildcard certificate, you can 444 as the network address.
7 Click OK .
Note: If the CRM Outlook client configuration using the old binding value, then the need to be updated to use the new value. + Make sure you have a DNS entry for: internalcrm.
From the CRM 2011 is passed to the AD FS 2.0 of Claims data you need to use the Claims-Based Authentication Configuration Wizard (described below) specified in the certificate for encryption. Therefore, CRM Web application CRMAppPool account must have read the certificate’s private key encryption ( Read ) permissions.According to the following steps to give this permission:
1 in CRM 2011 server , run the Microsoft Management Console (Start => Run MMC).
2 Click Files => Add / Remove Snap-in …
3 left panel, select Certificates , click Add to add to the right panel.
4 In the pop-up window, select Computer account .
5 next page, select Local Computer , click Finish .
6 Click OK .
7 Expand the Certificates ( Local Computer ) => Personal, select Certificates .
8. In the middle panel, right-click you will be in the Claims-Based Authentication Configuration Wizard to specify the encryption certificate (in this case *. ), click All Tasks => Manage Private Keys.

9 Click Add , add CRMAppPool account (if you are using Network Service , select the account directly), and then give Read permissions.
Note: You can use IIS Manager to view CRMAppPool what account to use. In the Connections panel , click Application Pools , and then see CRMAppPool under Identity .
10 Click OK .

Configure Claims-Based Authentication

Below, we setup Claims-Based Authentication Configuration Wizard ( Configure Claims-Based Authentication Wizard ) to configure the Claims-Based Authentication. To learn how PowerShell to configure Claims-Based Authentication, refer to the English original.
1) Open the Deployment Manager.
2) on the left navigation panel, right-click Microsoft Dynamics CRM , and then click Configure Claims-Based Authentication.
3) click Next.
4) In the Specify the security token service page , enter the Federation metadata URL, such as
Note: The data is usually in the AD FS 2.0 website. Can this URL copied into IE to seeFederation metadata , to ensure that this is the correct URL . Using IE to access the URL can not have a certificate-related warnings (Ignore that crap!)
5) Click Next .
6) In the Specify the encryption certificate page , click on Select…
7) select a certificate, where we choose *
8) This certificate is used to encrypt the transmitted AD FS 2.0 authentication security token service security token.
Note: Microsoft Dynamics CRM service account must have the private key encryption certificate Read permission.
10 Click Next . Claims-Based Authentication Configuration Wizard validates the token and certificate you specified.
11 In the System Checks page, if the test passed, click Next .
12 In the Review your selections and then click Apply page , just to confirm the input, and then click Apply .
13. On this page, note which of the URL , because then, you will use this URL to add a trusted party ( Relying Party ) to the security token service.
14 IMPORTANT – Click View Log File
15 Scroll to the end, and Copy the URL from the bottom of the file.
image- This will be used in the next configuration. Note that this is different to the URL used in step 4 above, as it represents the internal URL. Subtle but vital (and the cause of frustration the first 10 times we tried this).
16 Click Finish.
17 Validate that you can browse to the URL above. If you cannot view this in a browser, then have a look again at your permissions on the certificate in relation to the account on the application pool in IIS for CRM. Read above: Claims-based authentication configuration CRM 2011server.
18. Once you can browse this URL, you are done here.

Claims-based authentication configuration AD FS 2.0server

After completion of the previous step, the next step we need AD FS 2.0 to add and configure the statement provider trust ( claims Provider trusts ) and the relying party trust ( Relying Party trusts ).

Configure claims provider trusts

You need to add a claims rule come from Active Directory to obtain user ‘s UPN (user principal name) and then as a UPN delivered to MS CRM . Follow these steps to configure the AD FS 2.0 to UPN LDAP attribute as a claim is sent to the relying party ( Relying Party ):
1 installed in the AD FS 2.0 on the server , open AD FS 2.0 Management.
2 In the Navigation Pane , expand the Trust Relationships , and then click the Claims Provider Trusts.
3 In the Claims Provider Trusts under , right-click Active Directory , and then click Edit Claims Rules.
4 in the Rules Editor , click Add Rule.
5. In Claim rule template list , select the Send LDAP Attributes as Claims template ,and then click Next.
6 Create the following rule:
  • Claim rule name: UPN Claim Rule ( or other descriptive name )
· Add the following mapping:
  • Attribute Store: Active Directory
  • LDAP Attribute: User Principal Name
  • Outgoing Claim Type: UPN image
7 Click Finish , then click OK close the Rules Editor.

Configuration relying party trusts

In the open claims-based authentication, you must ensure CRM 2011 server configured as a relying party to use from the AD FS 2.0 statement to internal access claims certification.
1 Open AD FS 2.0 Management.
2 In the Actions menu, click Add Relying Party Trust.
3 In the Add Relying Party Trust Wizard , click Start.
4 In the Select Data Source page , click Import Data about the Relying Party Online or published on a local Network , enter the positioning federation metadata.xml file URL.
Federation metadata is set Claims when created. Use Claims-Based Authentication Configuration Wizard. The URL used here is IMPORTANT – Read point 14 in the above section. It is the URL retrieved from the VIEW LOG FILE That we did when  from configuration of Claims Based Authentication:  In this case
Note: Ensure that no certificate-related warnings appear when hitting the URL.
5 Click Next .
6 In the Specify Display Name page , enter a display name, such as CRM Claims Relying Party , and then click Next.
7 In the Choose Issuance Authorization Rules page , choose Permit All users to access this Relying Party , and then click Next.
8 In the Ready to Add Trust page , click Next , then click Close .
9. When the Rule Editor appears , click Add Rule . Otherwise , the Relying Party Trusts list , right-click you create a relying party objects, click the Edit Claims Rules , and then click Add Rule.
10. In Claim rule template list , select the Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim template, and then click Next.
11 create the following rule:
· Claim rule name: Pass Through UPN ( or other descriptive name )
· Add the following mapping:
  • Incoming claim type: UPN
  • Pass through All claim values
12 Click Finish .
13 In the Rule Editor , click Add Rule , in Claim rule template list , select the Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim template , and then click Next :
· Claim rule name: Pass Through Primary SID ( or other descriptive name )
· Add the following mapping:
  •      Incoming claim type: Primary SID
  •      Pass through All claim values
14 Click Finish .
15 In the Rule Editor , click Add Rule
16. In Claim rule template list , select the Transform an Incoming Claim template , and then click Next.
17 create the following rule:
· Claim rule name: Transform Windows Account Name to Name ( or other descriptive name )
  • Incoming claim type: Windows account name
  • Outgoing claim type: Name
  • Pass through All claim values
18 Click Finish , to create a good three rule later , click OK close the Rule Editor

Test claims-based authentication within the access

You should now be able to use the claims certified to the internal access CRM 2011 a
1 Open the Deployment Manager.
2 Expand the Deployment Manager node , and then click on Organizations .
3 Right-click your organization , and then click Browse . so you can open the CRM web page of ( for example: ).

Trouble Shooting

If the CRM web page can not be displayed, then run the following iisreset and then try again.
If the CRM web page still does not show, then you may need to setup AD FS 2.0 server setup a SPN (Service Principal Name) . Re-run the Claims-Based Authentication Wizard, and then browse to the Specify the security token service page, note the AD FS 2.0 server in the Federation metadata URL in the name. (In this case )
1 Open a command line tool .
2 Enter the following command : ( application, in your own environment, substitute the name of the name of the command line )
c: \> setspn -a http/ fserver4\VSERVER08$
fserver4\VSERVER08 = the domain and machine name of the server.
c: \> iisreset
3 and then re-access the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011 site, so you should be able to successfully access to the CRM 2011 Web page.
If you receive ADFS – sts1 errors.
There was a problem accessing the site. Try to browse to the site again.
If the problem persists, contact the administrator of this site and provide the reference number to identify the problem.
Reference number: xxx
And or if you look in your log files under ADFS 2.0 You will see errors like this.
In our case, this was because we used the external Metadata URL and not the Internal URL that we should have copied from the “View Log File” When configuring the Claims Based Authentication. Step 14 in the section above.
Note the difference between this:
and the original meta data check we did with:
We incorrectly figured it would be pulling the same XML data. It does NOT!

Configuration Claim-based authentication -external access

Open to the CRM 2011 Data Claims-based authentication of external access, you need to do the following steps:
1 complete contents of the previous section: Configuring Claim-based authentication- internal access.
2 for the IFD configuration CRM 2011 server.
3 for the IFD configuration AD FS 2.0 server.
4 Test claims-based authentication external access.

The IFD configuration CRM 2011 server

When opening Claims certified internal access, you can open by IFD external claims visited. The following describes using the IFD Configuration Wizard to configure, if you want to learn how to use PowerShell to be configured, refer to the English original.
1 Open the Deployment Manager.
2 In the tree structure , right-click Microsoft Dynamics CRM , and then click Configure Internet-Facing Deployment.
3 Click Next.
4 Fill in the correct domain information for the Web Application, Org, and Discovery Web services. Remembering here that in our case: * was the name of the wildcard certificate used, and that PORT 444 was the port we configured for the CRM Web Instance in the bindings for IIS.
Thus we use:
  • Web Application Server Domain:
  • Organization Web Service Domain:
  • Web Service Discovery Domain: image
Note – Enter the domain name, rather than the server name .
  • If the CRM installed on the same server or servers are installed in the same domain, then the Web Application Server Domain and Organization Web Service Domain should be the same .
  • Web Service Discovery Domain must be a Web Application Server Domain as a subdomain like the  “dev.” that we setup in DNS earlier.
  • domain name must be on the SSL certificate name
Domain examples :
  • Web Application Server Domain: 444
  • Organization Web Service Domain: 444
  • Web Service Discovery Domain: 444
For more information on the website, please refer to Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011 on multiple computers( )
5 In the Enter the external domain where your Internet-facing servers are located input box , enter for your internet to CRM 2011 server located outside the domain of information, and then click Next .
You must specify the domain specified in the previous step Web Application Server Domain sub-domains . default , will be “auth.” added to the Web Application Server Domain before.
Domain examples :
  • External Domain: 444
6 In the System Checks page , if there is no problem, click Next.
7 In Review your selections and then click Apply page , confirm your input , and then click Apply.
8 Click Finish .
9. Open a command line tool, run: iisreset

The IFD configuration AD FS 2.0 server

To open CRM 2011 on the IFD , you need to add AD FS 2.0 server for the IFD to create a relying party endpoints. Follow these steps:
1 open AD FS 2.0 Management .
2 In the Actions menu, click Add Relying Party Trust.
3 In the Add Relying Party Trust Wizard , click Start .
4 In the Select Data Source page , click Import Data about the Relying Party Online or published on a local Network , enter the positioning federation metadata.xml file URL.
Note – This is almost the same URL as we used previously, but has the .auth sub domain that we used in point 4 above. For use the Federation metadata is configured IFD when created. In this case .
Check in your browser the URL, to ensure that no certificate-related warnings appear.
5 Click Next.
6 In the Specify Display Name page , enter the display name , such as CRM IFD Relying Party , and then click Next.
7 In the Choose Issuance Authorization Rules page , select the Permit all users to access this relying party options , and then click Next.
8 In the Ready to Add Trust page , click Next , then click Close .
9. If the Rule Editor appears , click Add Rule. Otherwise , the Relying Party Trusts list ,right-click you create a relying party objects, click the Edit Claims Rules, and then click Add Rule.
10. In Claim rule template list , select the Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim template, and then click Next.
11 create the following rule:
· Claim rule name: Pass Through UPN ( or other descriptive name )
· Add the following mapping:
  •     Incoming claim type: UPN
  •     Pass through All claim values image
12 Click Finish .
13 In the Rule Editor , click Add Rule , in Claim rule template list , select the Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim template , and then click Next :
· Claim rule name: Pass Through Primary SID ( or other descriptive name )
· Add the following mapping:
  •     Incoming claim type: Primary SID
  •     Pass through All claim values image
14 Click Finish .
15 in the Rules Editor , click Add Rule ,
16. In Claim rule template list , select the Transform an Incoming Claim template , and then click Next .
17 create the following rule:
· Claim rule name: Transform Windows Account Name to Name ( or other descriptive name )
  •     Incoming claim type: Windows account name
  •     Outgoing claim type: Name
  •     Pass through All claim values

18 Click Finish , you have created three rule later , climageick OK close the Rule Editor .
Test claims-based authentication to access external
Now, you should use the claims certified external access CRM 2011 a. In IE the browser CRM 2011 external address (for example: ), you will see the following pages:

Enter the user name password, log CRM 2011.

Final Notes

Like anything Microsoft, this was not easy. It took us over 10 attempts drawing on over a dozen resources to get this worked out. For us, the main tripping points related the the meta data URL’s used in configuring the endpoints. Our fault, but it also appears to be a common error to other administrators on the net.
To Microsoft – you documentation sucks badly! If I never read another White Paper it will be too soon!